The Energy Doctor is a proud partner with Energy Star, providing the independent verification services that allow homes to earn the Energy Star Label. These homes must meet the EPA's strict guidelines for energy performance, deliver significant energy and cost savings, and help protect the environment. You can learn more about Energy Star qualified homes at
A one-time rating from plans & specifications to determine project level upgrade recommendations based on “worst case” model configuration. Includes all models submitted for the project at this time.
Preconstruction Orientation Meetings will be performed for each project covered by this agreement, and should occur after framing of an initial unit and prior to installation of insulation and ductwork. The meeting should include at least the builder, site supervisor, HVAC contractor, and insulation contractor. Your MaGrann Associates Technical Representative will offer guidance to each participant regarding applicable standards, inspections and testing, and their potential impact on eventual certification of the project.
In the event that site crews, supervisors or subcontractors change over the course of the project, you may request (or we may recommend) additional meetings of this type (i.e. “Mid-Construction Orientations”) to ensure continuity and consistency of program standards.
While your presence throughout each of these inspections is not required, it may be beneficial for you to accompany the inspector at least during the first one in a project or phase.
These will occur after framing and installation of insulation and ductwork, but prior to sheetrock. The purpose of the Pre-Drywall site visit is to inspect the installation and workmanship of components visible at this stage that are related to energy performance and the energy rating. This visit includes the visual inspection of insulation, windows, HVAC systems, framing techniques, and general air sealing.
A final inspection will take place prior to occupancy but after the home is completed and all mechanical systems are operational. The purpose of the Final Inspection is to inspect and test the overall performance of the “as-built” home. The Final Inspection includes all components related to the energy rating that were not installed or inspected at the time of the Pre-Drywall Inspection, plus combustion safety tests only if required by a sponsoring program. Performance tests include an air infiltration test of the building envelope (“blower door”) as well as a test of duct leakage (“duct blaster”). Accordingly, every effort must be made during construction to minimize air leakage of the structure and of ducted distribution systems.
A Final certification will be issued upon completion (passing) of verification process.