The Energy Doctor - Home Energy Consultant

What Is a Healthy Home Evaluation?

From identifying asthma triggers, and risk of lead poisoning, to testing for Carbon  Monoxide and other health hazards,  a Healthy Home Evaluation can be part of our basic home performance assessment, or a stand alone service when needed to identify possible unhealthy environments.

The Healthy Home Evaluation Process

blower door

 With a Healthy Home Evaluation, We will perform a series of diagnostic tests, including:

A Healthy Home Evaluation often can often be done as a part of our top-to-bottom Diagnostic Home Energy Audit where we will also look at:

After the Healthy Home Evaluation (with or without an Energy Audit) The Energy Doctor will assist you in selecting improvements that will be the best investments for your home, and your family's safety and comfort, and have an positive impact on your heathy home environment.

Call for a personalized quote based on your situation:

Contact the Energy Doctor.